Direct service Provider application //


A direct Service Provider is an entity or person that directly offers and delivers services to clients or end-users. 

Please first download and fill in the fillable PDF by pressing the button below. Once you have completed it, upload it along with any relevant documents in the form below (Accepted Upload File types: pdf, docx, doc, jpeg, png). Here is a checklist of items you MAY need to complete this online form. 

DSPQ FORM optional //

Will the supplier/subcontractor be performing physical work at API’s shop, office or at site under API’S purchase order?

If YES please continue with the form below:

Please enter this information from the last three years (including subcontractors):
Number of Fatalities:
Number of lost time incidents:
Number of medical aid injuries/restricted work cases:
Please list your past three year’s total recordable incident rate (TRI Rate) including subcontractors:
i.e Total Number of Recordable Incidents X 200,000 = Total employee hours (Yearly)
Man hours (including those of the subcontractors) worked in the last three years:
Number of medical aid injuries/restricted work cases:
Highest ranking safety professional in your organization?
Does the program address the following key elements:

Interested in working with us? //

We are always on the lookout for dedicated, hard-working, and talented individuals to join our team. If that sounds like you, fell free to fill out our online Careers form and submit your resume.